Oct 31-NOV 3 | Tributes & Salutes
Nov 03, 2024
Joe Henderson Lab
This page is an archive of a past production
Please visit our calendar for all upcoming SFJAZZ shows.
Original show description below.
Mumbai-born vocalist and harmonica master Aki Kumar is a visionary artist, blending traditional Indian music with a singular brand of Chicago blues, known as “the only Bombay Blues Man.” He makes a stop at the Joe Henderson Lab to help commemorate the Hindu Festival of Lights with a joyous program of celebratory music.
In a story that almost sounds like a movie plot, Kumar left India and moved to Silicon Valley in hopes of working as a software engineer, but upon hearing American blues, his life changed forever. Fully immersing himself in the blues scene and culture, Kumar paid dues in the Bay Area’s clubs, fully assimilating the art form with the goal of being seen as a “legitimate” blues artist, when he realized he was denying the influence of his own heritage. This sea change was evident on Kumar’s 2014 debut Don’t Hold Back, but was truly apparent on his 2016 Little Village Foundation release, Aki Goes to Bollywood, fully blending Bollywood pop and traditional Indian elements with the blues.
Kumar’s 2018 follow-up, Hindi Man Blues, further integrated his multiple inspirations with biting social commentary, and he has consistently elevated his live performances, which have included multiple sets at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass and tours of Russia and Scandinavia.
Mumbai-born vocalist and harmonica master Aki Kumar is a visionary artist, blending traditional Indian music with a singular brand of Chicago blues, known as “the only Bombay Blues Man.” He makes a stop at the Joe Henderson Lab to help commemorate the Hindu Festival of Lights with a joyous program of celebratory music.
He has combined the two disparate genres in an unforced musical fusion never before attempted and has pulled it off with breathtaking aplomb
Living Blues
He has combined the two disparate genres in an unforced musical fusion never before attempted and has pulled it off with breathtaking aplomb
Living Blues
Aki Kumar harmonica, vocals
Others TBA
Aki Kumar proves to traditionalists that singing in Hindi can co-exist with Chicago blues conventions
Aki Kumar harmonica, vocals
Others TBA
Aki Kumar proves to traditionalists that singing in Hindi can co-exist with Chicago blues conventions
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Hur Dafaah
Hur Dafaah