Family Matinee w/ Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir | SFJAZZ Education 2024-25
The Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir
Healing Through Song

Family Matinee w/ The Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir

2024-25 | Family Matinees

Sep 21, 2024
Miner Auditorium

This page is an archive of a past production

Please visit our calendar for all upcoming SFJAZZ shows.


Original show description below.

Celebrate Gospel Heritage Month with the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir! This morning matinee program will be filled with music, history, and jubilation. OIGC inspires joy and unity among all people, and showcases the diverse tapestry of faith and culture through Black gospel and spiritual music traditions. Join us with the entire family as we come together in “Healing Through Song!” 


Abbe Anderson
Brenda Bailey-Powell   
Megan Barnett
Rachael Bigelow
Meliney E. Brooks
Mary Ford
Jennifer Grace
Colleen Grimes
Lynne Gurewitz
Ranwa Hammamy
Asha Howard-Waller
Rachel Joseph
Linda Mack
Teresa Mack
Kellie Morlock
Annemarie Roberts
Valeria Steele-Scott
LaTara Taylor

Annette Coffey
Elizabeth Colt
Cheryl Espinosa-Jones
Jeanne Fahey
Cheryl Garner
Katherina Guido-Respicio
Katherine Harry
Sharon P. Hymes-Offord
Jennifer Little
Liane Ma
Dawn Martin
Cynthia Minor
Emily Neigel
Vanessa Warheit
Becky Watson
Danielle White
Loretta Winchester

Don Bonner
Arthur Bowling-Dyer
Kramer Dahl
Christian Heppinstall
Lara Hermanson
Donald Lang
Erin Murray
Jae Phoenix
Austin Putman
Melanie Robins
Daniel Strauss
Vernon Staggers  
Cheri Toney

David Cogswell
Paul Daniels
James Fisher
Jafar Green
Jason Horlador
Carl Johanson
Jeff Landau
Tony Lewis

Tina Bryant keyboard
Louis Burrell keyboard
Miles Lathan drums
Riccol Johnson bass

Isa Chu Marketing and Programs Manager  
Nevin Inthirath Production Manager
Terrance Kelly Artistic Director
Oakley Phoenix Production Assistant

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