Apr 15, 2023
Joe Henderson Lab
This page is an archive of a past production
Please visit our calendar for all upcoming SFJAZZ shows.
Original show description below.
As lead vocalist for the Afro-futurist Oakland funktronica band The Seshen, Lalin St. Juste has carved out a regal musical identity over the past decade, presiding over an innovative combo that has tracked the forces reshaping Bay Area’s cultural landscape. But since the pandemic the Haitian-American singer/songwriter and producer has reconfigured her life and taken major steps to forge her own path.
A self-taught musician with a knack for tapping directly into the emotions of her audience, St. Juste has begun to release solo music on 7000COILS, a black + queer focused record label (while continuing to front The Seshen). Exploring identity, cultural heritage and the power of rewriting narratives, particularly when set to irresistibly slinky grooves, she’s redefining herself with a series of solo EPs, starting with Vertulie, a powerful homage to her ancestors and Haitian spirituality, and its follow-up, the beguiling behind my eyes.
Thanks to funding from the Gerbode Foundation, St. Juste collaborated with Women’s Audio Mission, an organization established to support women and nonbinary creatives in the music industry.
Exploring identity, cultural heritage and the power of rewriting narratives, particularly when set to irresistibly slinky grooves, St Juste is redefining herself with a series of solo EPs, starting with Vertulie, a powerful homage to her ancestors and Haitian spirituality, and its follow-up, the beguiling behind my eyes.
Taking an unflinching look at hard truths, and finding a way to create beauty from them, is key to not only St. Juste's creative practice, but her way of living.
Taking an unflinching look at hard truths, and finding a way to create beauty from them, is key to not only St. Juste's creative practice, but her way of living.
Lalin St. Juste
Lalin St. Juste
Wild Winds
Lalin St. Juste
Lalin St. Juste
Wild Winds