Jake Shimabukuro
Jake Shimabukuro
Ukulele Star

Jake Shimabukuro


Mar 02 - Mar 05, 2023
Miner Auditorium

This page is an archive of a past production

Please visit our calendar for all upcoming SFJAZZ shows.


Original show description below.

Widely recognized as “the Jimi Hendrix of the ukulele,” Jake Shimabukuro has created an international fanbase as a sensational performer whose concerts leave audiences awed, dazzled and delighted. Over the past two decades, he's become a one-man army advancing the ukulele cause, turning the four-string axe into a supremely pliable musical vehicle, capable of generating everything from power chord rock to sensuously swinging jazz. Strumming with a hummingbird blur, he coaxes an impossibly big sound out of the little instrument, playing an intoxicating mix of pop tunes, American Songbook standards and lilting originals.

Shimabukuro has released a staggering 25 albums for the global and Japanese markets since his 2002 debut Sunday Morning, including his 2006 breakout U.S. hit Gently Weeps and his 2012 Alan Parsons-produced showstopper, Grand Ukulele.

His latest, Jake & Friends, is easily his most audacious statement of versatility, pairing his ebullient virtuosity with an impressive roster of guests including Willie Nelson, Bette Midler, Kenny Loggins, Ziggy Marley, and Jimmy Buffett, among others.

It's a bravura recording that leaves no doubt why fellow string renegades such as banjo star Béla Fleck, fiddle wizard Darol Anger and cello virtuoso Yo-Yo Ma embrace Shimabukuro as one of their own.



Shimabukuro's latest, Jake & Friends, is easily his most audacious statement of versatility, pairing his ebullient virtuosity with an impressive roster of guests.

Stephen Doberstein and Elizabeth Letcher

Like Béla Fleck on the banjo, Jake Shimabukuro is making something up as he goes along — not too many can say that anymore.


Like Béla Fleck on the banjo, Jake Shimabukuro is making something up as he goes along — not too many can say that anymore.



Jake Shimabukuro ukulele
Jackson Waldhoff bass 
Justin Kawika Young vocals & acoustic guitar

He’s capable of crafting catchy ditties, New Age-flavored dreamscapes, delicate lines akin to classical guitar and crunching electric work that packs the punch of a Telecaster.



Jake Shimabukuro ukulele
Jackson Waldhoff bass 
Justin Kawika Young vocals & acoustic guitar

He’s capable of crafting catchy ditties, New Age-flavored dreamscapes, delicate lines akin to classical guitar and crunching electric work that packs the punch of a Telecaster.


Watch & Listen

Jake Shimabukuro (feat. Willie Nelson)


Jake Shimabukuro

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

Jake Shimabukuro (feat. Willie Nelson)


Jake Shimabukuro

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

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